Week 1
Introduction to Computers (Overview)
The Main Parts of a Computer System
Items That Use Computers

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This week we introduce computers. The students learn what a computer is and how to identify them. We also touch on the main parts of a computer system.

 Teacher Notes - Time: 40 minutes
  •  Discuss what we are trying to accomplish with "Introduction to Computers"

    -learn what a computer is and the basics of how they work
    -think about and begin to understand what is really going on when we are using computers rather than simply using them
    -have fun
  • Ask the question "What is a computer?"

    -modify the definition as appropriate and write it on the board
  • Ask the question "Where can computers be found and what are they used for?"

    -modify the list as appropriate and write it on the board
  • Ask the question "Can you name some items which use computers?"

    -modify the list as appropriate and write it on the board
  • Discuss the issue of "computer jargon" and acronyms
    eg. program bug, PC, Mac

    -discuss keeping a list and adding to it every time such a term comes up - (include words in italics in the list)

Blackboard Notes
Introduction to Computers: learn, think, have fun

What is a computer?
A computer is a machine which follows a set of instructions to perform calculations or to store, process, and retrieve information. A sequence of instructions which tells a computer how to do something is called a program.

A computer does not think. It only understands a specific program. A computer is not intelligent. However, it can follow instructions very fast. Some computers can perform more than 10 million instructions every second.

Where can computers be found and what are they used for?
offices - accounting, word processing
schools - teaching, reference
homes - games, records

Can you name some items which use computers?
microwave oven, car, video games, VCR

 Teacher Notes - Time: 25 minutes
  • Ask the question “What are the main parts of a computer system?”
    -as the class comes up with items, discuss what they are and write them on the board as appropriate
  • After the basics are listed, hand out the diagram and work through filling it in:
    ..........................................System Unit
    ...................................................CPU - Central Processing Unit
    ...................................................Floppy Disk
    ...................................................Hard Disk
  • During this lesson, it is helpful to have the various parts and pass them around the class for a real hands-on experience


 Homework Assignment - Time: 5 minutes
  • List some other uses for computers or items which use computers which we have not already discussed in class. Try to come up with at least 4 other uses or items. Make sure you explain why you think it is a computer and explain what the computer is doing.

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