- Construct the human computer
according to the circuit below to add two 2 bit binary numbers
-hand out the switch labels and answer bit
labels to the class (20 switches + 3 answer bits)
-line everyone up so that people with no input
are first, followed by each input/output pair in line (each label
identifies the input and output connections)
-each regular switch should be ON (arms forward
and backward) if the specified bit is 1 and OFF (arms
left and right) if the specified bit is 0
-each NOT switch should be OFF (arms left
and right) if the specified bit is 1 and ON (arms
forward and backward) if the specified bit is 0
-if two switches, which are in line, are both
ON, then join hands to complete the circuit
-if the circuit is completed to an answer
bit, then that person should have joined one hand with the input
and then raise the other hand indicating that the bit of the
answer is 1 (otherwise the bit of the answer is 0)
-assign people to write down the questions
and answers
- Try as many of the following questions
as there is time for: