Week 6
The Switch Box Computer

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This week the students have a little fun playing with Ken's switch box computer.
At the end of the lesson we do some review.

 Teacher Notes - Time: 20 Minutes
  • Demonstrate the switch box computer

    (Of course this assumes that you have built a switch box computer according to the circuit diagram below! This site will eventually be updated to include step-by-step instructions for building the switch box computer.)

  • Complete last weeks home work

    -check and correct the home work using the switch box computer

 Teacher Switch Box Computer Circuit

 Teacher Notes - Time: 50 Minutes
  • Review what we did over the last 2 weeks

    -we learned how computers represent numbers
    ‘1’ bit means ‘ON’ or ‘electricity is flowing’
    ‘0’ bit means ‘OFF’ or ‘electricity is not flowing’

    -we demonstrated that a circuit of switches can add 2 numbers

    -the basic instructions that a computer understands are made up of circuits just like the one we made
  • Show evolution of switches (samples are good):

    mechanical (origin of computer bug), vacuum tubes
    transistors, IC - integrated circuits
  • Explain basic data size using video game examples

    -show how game cartridges plug into bus using I/O card & motherboard
  • List evolution of CPUs

    20 switches to add 2 2-bit numbers,
    52 switches to add 2 4-bit numbers

 Blackboard Notes

How does a computer work?

-a circuit of switches can perform specific instructions like adding 2 numbers

“A computer is a machine which follows a set of instructions to perform calculations or to store, process, and retrieve information.”

-the basic instructions that a computer understands are made up of circuits just like the one we made

-types of switches:
mechanical, tubes, transistors, IC - integrated circuits


-basic data size 8, 16, 32 bits, 64 bits

NES 8 bit, SNES 16 bit, Sega 16 bit, N64 64 bits

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